Dartington Cluster

This year we are offering two separate tours. The first on the 17th May at 10am – 11am is a walking tour of the  Agroforestry Research Trust Forest garden with Martin Crawford. The second will cover the Apricot Centre and 3 types of Alley cropping at various scales with Marina OConnell/Rachel Phillips in and around the Dartington Hall Estate. 2.00 – 4.00pm pm on the 18th May.

For the Apricot Centre’s tour: Meet at the Green Table on the Dartington Estate (a cafe right next to the main car parking areas). From there the tour will walk to the farm and back up again, looking at Broadlears Agroforestry, and Huxhams Cross Farm Agroforestry. This will be a 2 mile walk in total.

The Agroforestry Research Trust Tour will meet at …….

Participants can then walk back to Huxhams cross car park 

Directions By Car…..

From the A38: Take the exit signposted to Totnes, Dartmouth and Kingsbridge via the A385. After 5 miles, the estate’s Upper Drive entrance is signposted on your left, just before Dartington village.

From Totnes/the coast: Follow the A385 though Totnes and Dartington village until you see the signposted entrance to the Upper Drive on your right. Please note that the Lower Drive entrance between Totnes and Dartington is closed at night.

Car parks are located at the core estate (near to the Hall and Gardens) and at The Cider Press Centre.

Please note that this is an energetic walk up and down hills and onto farmland. Booking is essential as places are limited – please don’t just turn up… please follow link to book below.


Unfortunately no dogs are allowed onsite.